Open Call: ADATA AiR artist-in-residence programme (Plovdiv, Bulgaria)

Deadline for submitting applications: May 31, 2018
Residencies: from July 15 to November 30, 2018


Plovdiv 2019 Foundation launches an artist-in-residence programme – ADATA AiR – in the city of Plovdiv. The residency aims to give a space for a creative exchange that fosters intercultural dialogue and interaction. The platform is open to artists, architects, designers, etc., from Europe to join the special pre-capital-of-culture stage.

During their stay, the residents will have the opportunity to develop new projects and interact with local communities and the complex cultural realities of the city.
ADATA AiR is a project of the Plovdiv 2019 Foundation, realized in partnership with the Goethe-Institute in Bulgaria and the Polish Institute in Sofia.

The focus of the residency programme is the urban landscape of the city. It is basically divided into the following two sections:
• Nature-culture relations within the city: the river passing through the city and a wild island in it and also the city’s seven hills are some of its landmarks.
• Architectural layering: a mixture of styles and epochs, having some remarkable examples of Modernist, Soviet, Bauhaus architecture as well as an intriguing heritage of industrial and religious buildings, and even some illegal community-created structures.

The ADATA AiR programme offers to its residents the opportunity to further develop their projects, after finishing their residency stay. Up to 15 of all residents’ projects will be realized during the following year – in 2019, as part of the official program of Plovdiv – ECOC 2019.

Adata is the name of a river island in Plovdiv (etymology from Turkish – “island”). Used as a picnic area at the beginning of the 20th century and also for growing fruits and vegetables, the island is currently a deserted area, a burden for its owners, serving only for free wood cutting and for different illegal activities. It had long been forgotten by the citizens until the European Capital of Culture turned it into a symbolic area within this program. The island represents not only the geographical spot but rather the state of isolation and alienation that has characterized our society for a long period of time. It was the reason to choose it as an emblem of this AiR program, with the goal of developing artistic interventions, installations, objects, sculptures and site-specific artworks in the public space, thus changing the perception of the island.

About Plovdiv 2019 Foundation
This is the organization responsible for the implementation of the project European Capital of Culture. The initiative aims to revitalize and open up forgotten and dysfunctional spaces in the city using the means of art and culture. The flagship projects of the program include some of the most prominent architectural and monumental achievements from the recent past, as well as the whole river area and the largest river island situated in the heart of the city.



Second Session:
Announcing the Open Call for the 2nd Session: April 15, 2018
Deadline for submitting applications: May 31, 2018
Residencies: from July 15 to November 30, 2018

Duration of a residency: lasting from 2 weeks – as minimum stay, till 2 months – as a maximum stay (depending on the proposal and the committee evaluation).

The schedule of the residency stays will be developed during the end of the project evaluation and final selection, based on the preferable period for each applicant and the vacancies.


▪ Living space for the residents – private rooms in shared apartments
▪ Shared Studio (allowing at least 2 different artists to work at the same time)
▪ Event space – for screenings, exhibitions, conference/meeting/presentation room
▪ Couches and social areas
▪ Free Internet access
▪ Basic materials and tools
▪ Practical advice for research and production details

All the above-mentioned facilities are free to the residents and are provided by the organizer.

The organizers will cover:
▪ Travel expenses – for the trip to Plovdiv and back
▪ Living expenses: 560 BGN (approximately 280 EURO) per 2-weeks period per person

All other expenses during the residency stay are the personal responsibility of the residents.

– Visual arts
– Digital media
– Architecture
– Performance art
– Land art
– Sculpture
– Sound
– Other

English, Bulgarian

After their residency stay all artists-in-residence should propose a fully developed concept for one or more artworks to be produced and presented within the program of Plovdiv European Capital of Culture 2019.

Artists talks and presentations
Open Studios
Studio visits with local artists and curators


This call is open to artists in any stage of their career, preferably based in Europe.
Artists, who are Bulgarian residents or based in Bulgaria are also admitted to apply.

Download and fill the Application form:
Application Form_ ADATA AiR

Send your applications only by email to with a subject: „ADATA AiR Application: Applicant’s Name”

The email should include:
1. Filled Application form
2. Artist’s CV
3. Portfolio

There is no application fee.

The residents will be selected by a committee according to:
· Artist’s statement and previous work
· Quality of the project proposal in relation to the goals of the Plovdiv ECOC 2019 program
· Potentiality of realizing the project in 2019

Maximum number of residents at one time: 5

Selected artists will be notified approximately 30 days after the deadline. If you need earlier notification, please state it in the email with your application.

Kurt Jooss Prize 2019

In the summer of 2019, the Kurt Jooss Prize will be awarded for the seventh time. The award is sponsored by the Anna and Hermann Markard Foundation, Amsterdam, together with the City of Essen.

The Kurt Jooss Prize is intended to encourage and foster choreographers who are not yet fully established in their profession. There are no restrictions concerning style or age. The prize is €10,000.

The jury comprises Martin Schläpfer, ballet director of the Ballett am Rhein Düsseldorf Duisburg , Reinhild Hoffmann, choreographer, Nils Christe, choreographer (NL), Muchtar Al Ghusain, Head of Cultural Affairs / City of Essen, Dr. Patricia Stöckemann, dance dramaturge /Theatre Osnabrück, Adolphe Binder, intendant and artistic director of Tanztheater Wuppertal, Lucie Conrad, Producer (GB).

Entry requirements and application forms are available from:

Kulturbüro Essen, Hollestrasse 3, D-45121 Essen


Entries without the completed application form will not be accepted.

Application deadline: October 24th, 2018

Internship – coordonatori de proiecte – A.R.C.E.N.

Căutăm noi coordonatori de proiecte!

Dacă te tentează, îți propunem mai întâi un internship de aproape 2 luni, urmând să preiei coordonarea unuia dintre proiectele noastre din luna august, după ce te-ai acomodat cu echipa și cu sarcinile curente.
Pe perioada internshipului, programul va fi de 10 ore pe săptămână (normă 25%), cu un salariu net de 600 ron. Urmează să lucrăm împreună la sediul nostru din Str. Semilunei, dar programul este flexibil.
În perspectivă, vei putea prelua un post de coordonator de proiect (salariu minim: 1500 ron / normă 50%, cu posibilitatea de a lucra și cu normă întreagă).

Calitățile și abilitățile pe care le căutăm sunt:
> Persoană organizată și responsabilă, interesată de management cultural, patrimoniu, literatură, evenimente culturale.
> O personalitate puternică.
> Gândire logică și creativă totodată.
> Capacitate foarte bună de lucru în excel, google sheets, google docs, google drive.
> Talent sau pricepere la scris.
> Gramatică impecabilă în limba română.
> Cel puțin cunoștințe medii de limba engleză (necesare, în general, în scris).
> Studii sau preocupare intensă pentru arhitectură, istoria arhitecturii sau istoria artei sunt un avantaj.
> Experiența în scrierea de cereri de finanțare și în coordonarea de proiecte finanțate din fonduri publice este un avantaj și mai mare.

Alte abilități bonus:
> Cunoștințe minimale de editare în wordpress.
> Cunoștințe despre dezvoltarea și gestionarea bazelor de date.

Așteptăm formularul tău până pe 31 mai. Interviurile vor avea loc în perioada 1-8 iunie, iar internshipul va începe pe 11 iunie.

Dacă ai nevoie de mai multe detalii, scrie-ne la

Casting – film

The film takes place and is shot in Bucharest.

The plot follows three friends who are in their 20s who keep in touch mostly through Text and are all in different relationship situations.
Kate is about to get engaged to her lawyer boyfriend Ken, he is a nice guy but work comes first, so she is wondering if it will actually work out.
Sarah has a boyfriend Ben who is leaving the country for some humanitarian work, early in the film they are together and decide to try to make a long distance relationship work, but she eventually gets bored with the distance and takes up a short term relationship with an artist named Matt.
Megan is the one in the group who thinks relationships are far too much effort so during the course of the movie shes with a variety of men. Eventually she hangs with a guy Kris who tries to convince her to commit to a monogamous relationship, but she turns the idea down.

Pay rate is 250 USD per day.

Filming will be in June 10-25 (but i just need each actor for about 2-3 days of filming).

For more information please contact Jay at


11-16 IUNIE 2018 – BUCURESTI

Modern Method Acting nu ia in considerare categorii ca talentul sau inspiratia pentru a crea un act de interpretare. Mecanismul basic de adaptare pe care il avem ca mamifere este un mecanism total de “interpretare”. O informare si o formare corecta, in dezvoltarea actorului, consta in procesul de a constientiza acest mecansim, in loc sa ne insusim niste obiceiuri atasate asa-zisului ´´talent´´al actorului.

Data limita de inscriere: 4 iunie 2018

Persoanele interesate se pot inscrie aici

Open Call: Transnational Research Residencies in Choreography

RESA (Residency for Exchange and Sustainability in the Arts) offers support to artists conducting research aiming at deepening insights, knowledge and collegial exchange in choreography.

Dansehallerne (Denmark) has invited a network of European arts organisations, academic research platforms and artist-driven venues active in the field of choreography, to design a pilot programme dedicated to experienced, mid-career choreographers in order to support the transnational research trajectories of artists.

According to the needs discussed by the artists and the network, the transnational residency may include access to housing, offices, studios, universities or resource centres, venues, seminars for professionals or industry events, documentation and publications. The network is committed to facilitate access to key local curators, artists and experts in various fields, all reflecting the diversity of Dansehallerne’s partners. No tangible outputs are expected (e.g. production of performances) but selected artists are expected to regularly share their processes and progresses with the arts and academic communities, for example by participating in open conversations, seminars or conferences.

For this first call, the network invites experienced, mid-career artists who want to deepen knowledge and push the understanding of choreography, work with choreography as artistic mode of intervention in society, and have a genuine interest in developing new formats for inclusive and interactive dialogues. RESA is therefore open for artists who want to contribute to sustainable strategies for the role and the relevance of choreographic practices, with a take on various elements for action, thought, reflection and writing.

In this pilot programme, RESA offers artists a chance to unfold research processes through a trajectory that encompasses a flexible modelling of research phases and sharing of outcomes:

• The transnational residency may take place over a minimum period of 8 weeks and a maximum of 1 year, starting from October 1st, 2018

• Direct support could include residency time in 2 or more participating countries, trips to European artistic research events or local professional gatherings

• The network has the ambition to cover costs related to research and sharing activities (for example fees, travel & accommodation costs, etc.)

The deadline to apply is 8 June. More details here.

Open call: CAMP AS ONE performing arts residency

Open call: CAMP AS ONE performing arts residency (Vityazevo, Russia).
To get a free package tour that includes housing and sustenance, one needs to send a proposal for a collective action /ritual /exercise. The residency treatment program will be formed out of selected proposals. We especially encourage artists active in the dance/ performance/ visual art fields.
Deadline: 10.06.2018

Details here

Fata – 18-37 ani – rol principal – Reclama TV BCR

Fata, peste 18 ani, frumoasa, preferabil roscata si cu pistrui. Totusi, regizorul ia in calcul si variante de fete care sunt de acord sa se vopseasca cu nuantator.
Perioada de desfășurare: Lu 21.mai.2018 – Jo 24.mai.2018
Durata: 1 până la 2 zile
Locul de desfasurare: BUCURESTI
Remuneratie: 1600 RON/zi NET
Persoanele interesate pot aplica aici

Casting – studente actorie

Casting fete 18-22 ani – STUDENTE ACTORIE

Cautam fete cu varsta cuprinsă între 18 și 22 ani, studente la actorie pentru SERIAL ONLINE.

Filmare: 21-29 mai ( 5 sau 6 zile de filmare )

Pentru acest casting va rog sa ne trimiteți fotografii însoțite de datele de contact la adresa

Pentru mai multe detalii ne puteti contacta la tel 0730 796 808

Actori, muzicieni, dansatori

Theatre Arts Group, partener The Actors Center, caută actori, muzicieni, dansatori!
Avem repetiții din septembrie până în decembrie și vrem forțe proaspete! Așa că hai la casting! Când? La începutul lunii iunie! Dacă ai între 18 și 45 de ani și ești creativ din născare, dacă ai chef să îți dezvolți imaginația și individualitatea, disponibilitatea si flexibilitatea, dacă vrei să experimentezi noi modalități de expresie și să te perfecționezi continuu, te așteptăm! Nu e musai să fii absolvent UNATC (te vrem chiar și muzician, acrobat, dansator). Trimite-ne la un mail cu CV-ul tău, până pe 25 mai, și noi te vom contacta pentru a-ti trimite detaliile specifice.