Club Fotográfico Alicante (CFA), in collaboration with Alicante City Council (Department of Culture) is pleased to invite you to participate in their sixth International Photographic Contest in Alicante.
This contest is open to amateur and professional photographers from all around the world.
Free topic. The theme of the photographs is open.
Works to be presented
- Collections: four photographs about a common thematic unity.
- General individual photos: up to three photographs about different topics.
- Local categories: up to three photographs on each one.
- Mobile: up to three photographs on each one.
- Any photo could be presented as an individual or as a part of a collection, but it cannot be granted more than one award.
- The photographs must not have obtained any prize at any other competitions before the admission date.
- The color technique is free: black-and-white or color.
The awards will be divided into the following categories:
Collections category:
Three awards to the best assessed photographies taking into account the quality and the thematic unity of the 4 works of each collection:
– First prize: 1000 € and Golden Medal from CEF.
– Second prize: 600 € and Silver Medal from CEF.
– Third prize: 450 € and Bronze Medal from CEF.
Individuals category:
Fifth awards to the best assessed photographies:
– First prize: 500 € and Silver Medal from FLF.
– Second prize: 400 € and Silver Medal from FLF.
– Third prize: 300 €. And Bronze Medal from FLF.
– Fourth prize: 250 € and Honour Diploma from FLF.
– Fifth prize: 200 € and Honour Diploma from FLF.
Local awards to citizens from Alicante city municipality category:
- Awards to the best individual photographies by citizens from Alicante city Municipality:
– First prize: 300 €.
– Second prize: 200 €.
Two awards to photographies taken with mobile phones:
– First prize: 150 €.
– Second prize: 100 €.
Participants can only aim for one cash award, which will be subject to the tax law in force, and the withholding legally established will be applied.
The winners must be up-to-date in complying with the fulfillment of tax obligations and towards Social Security imposed by the current dispositions
The only way of participation is via Internet (no other way will be accepted). Registration, photography submission and participation fee payment must be made by following the corresponding instructions in our website: (You should follow the steps provided by the web application)
Size and presentation
All images should be in JPG format, 1920 pixels on the widest side. The sRGBcolour space is recommended. Files cannot be over 1 Mb. Finalist will be asked for improved resolution in order to print their works for the exhibition.
Participation rights
A participation fee of 14 € also includes a digital catalogue of the winning collections, individual photograph winners and the finalist works, to be sent via Internet.
The entry fee will be paid via PayPal (the only payment mean accepted) by completing the application form in our webpage: following the instructions that appear on it.
Citizens from Alicante city municipality and Alicante province who aim for the local award have to send the data of their postal address to the e-mail:
Winners will be asked to prove that information.
The members of the jury will be appointed by the organizers of the contest. All of them must be of renowned prestige in the photographic field. Their last decision cannot be appealed.
Works receiving an award
All works receiving an award will become part of the CFA photographic library. The finalists and winners authorize the organizers of the contest to reproduce the photographs for any purpose free of charge. Also, finalists and winners authorize the enlargement and printing of finalist photos and the winning photos for display. The organization will state the author’s name on all reproductions. Contestants will not permit any third party to have any sort of claim over submitted photographs.
The contestants are responsible to ensure that there are no third party rights or claims of image copyright.
The gallery of finalists and winners will be available on the website:
Exhibition and digital catalogue
With the aim to offer a wide circulation of the the winning images, there will be an exhibition from 2th of June to 31st of August 2020 in the Municipal Exhibition Hall located in “Centro Municipal de las Artes”, Alicante, or in any other Municipal Exhibition Hall appointed for that event. Every image displayed will credit the author’s name.
A digital catalogue containing the winning images of the contest will be published. A copy of the catalogue will be sent to participants upon payment of the entry fee.
Additional Notes
Should any problem arise and not be resolved by the above mentioned rules, then it will be resolved by the organization itself. Award decisions are final and cannot be appealed. By entering the competition participants agree to the full terms and conditions of the above mentioned rules.
Files will not be returned and will be kept for one year in the event of any possible claims. Works not receiving an award will be destroyed. The works of each participant will be presented to the jury in the order requested by the participant.
Contest Calendar
- April 26, 2020 (24:00h local time): Deadline for participants’ work submission.
- May 9, 2020: Jury’s decision.
- May 16, 2020: Notification of Jury’s decision.
- July 2, 2020: Awards and opening exhibition ceremony.
Cash awards payment will be performed on due time by the Club Fotografico Alicante after the fulfillment of the corresponding forms by the rewarded participants.
- From July 2 to August 31, 2020: Exhibition.
- July 2020: Electronic mailing of the digital catalogue.
Contact information
VI International Photographic Contest “Alicante”
Competition information can be found on the Internet at:
Postal Address: Club Fotográfico Alicante, C/Antonio Martín Trenco, 10, C.P. 03005 Alicante (Spain)
Registration form here