Call for applications
Ji.hlava IDFF’s Inspiration Forum and Display – Association for Research and Collective Practice invite European artists, filmmakers, designers, scientists, researchers, and experts from other fields to join us in looking for imaginative solutions to the structural problems of European society, which is facing challenges posed by changes in the ecological, political, technological, and social landscapes, and propose alternatives to current developments that will contribute to shaping sustainable and collective futures.
We welcome applicants who are eager to ask fundamental questions about the predominant narratives we exchange about the world and our role in it. Similarly, we encourage those who are interested in a transdisciplinary and collaborative approach combining science, technology, and the arts.
Selected participants will develop both theoretical and technical skills through a set of expert lectures and technical workshops. Working in two interdisciplinary groups, the participants will also conduct collaborative research in order to develop concepts for their multimedia art projects. The final projects will be presented in the Display Gallery and at the Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival.
Topic of IF LAB 2021/22
“The Limits to Growth” is not just a name of the legendary 1972 Club of Rome report by Donella H. Meadows and her research collective, but also an intriguing proposition and call to action. It suggests that there are limits to the way our societies and economies can behave – but what is a limit? An obstacle? An opportunity to focus? A productive constraint? And how many types of growth are there? Is growth needed at all? What is the shape of society or economy that can fit these limits, both literally and metaphorically?
These questions navigate the research trajectory of the Inspiration Forum LAB 2021/22. It appreciates the conceptual richness and historical importance of the original Club of Rome report, which will mark its 50th anniversary in 2022, and it examines the scientific “vibe” of the Earth system science together with infrastructures as well as institutions that generate and use knowledge about our planet and its limits. It means that science is here approached both as a tool and as an object of study – an object that can be critically questioned about what realities does it help to construct, prevent or even destroy.
Who are we looking for?
● 8 participants from the European countries with various backgrounds (artists, film makers, architects, designers, social scientists, environmentalists, technology innovators, etc.), who will create two groups. Each interdisciplinary team will include members with background in technology or natural sciences, social sciences and art.
● Age: 25–40 (recommended)
● Fluent in English
● The IF LAB program will run for seven months (from October 2021 through April 2022) and will be followed up by presentations of the projects in spring/summer and fall of 2022
● Lectures and workshops will take place in Prague, Jihlava, and online
● Each participant will receive a stipend of € 500
● Each group will work with a production budget of € 1200 and can spend additional € 500 for tech rentals or expert consultations
Key Dates & Deadlines
Application opens: May 24, 2021
Application deadline: September 13, 2021
Notification of selection: week of September 27, 2021
All material must be in English
● Completed application form*
● CV/portfolio detailing work to date (PDF, should include recent work relevant for the LAB’s direction)
● Motivation letter (PDF, should explain why you are interested in the topic of the IF LAB, as well as participating in an interdisciplinary project)
* If you do not have an account in our database, please, fill in your basic identification information and select a password. Your registration will make further communication with the Ji.hlava IDFF and the Inspiration Forum easier. You will be able to use your account in the future as well. After registration, you will be able to access the „Inspiration Forum LAB 2021/22” form.
If you have any questions, contact us at
More info here