Volunteer Position: Visual Content Organizer

We’re seeking a volunteer passionate about photography and storytelling through images. As our Visual Content Organizer, you’ll be the heart of preserving the memories and moments that define our community. You’ll have the unique opportunity to gather and organize photographs from various events, weaving together the visual stories that showcase our vibrant culture and community spirit.

Join the Romanian United Fund as a Visual Content Organizer!

Who We Are: The Romanian United Fund (RUF) is a global community dedicated to the growth and connection of the Romanian Diaspora with Romania. We’re known for our vibrant events, including the Annual Romanian Food & Folk Festival, historical exhibits, community gatherings, and our hallmark fundraising galas.

Your Role: As our Visual Content Organizer, you’ll be the heart of preserving the memories and moments that define our community. You’ll have the unique opportunity to gather and organize photographs from various events, weaving together the visual stories that showcase our vibrant culture and community spirit.

Time Requirements: Meets every Monday (for roughly one hour) on Zoom: collect, file, select & upload photos from last week.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Collect event photographs from various contributors, ensuring a timely and organized archive.
  • Upload and manage these photographs on Google Drive, creating easily accessible albums.
  • Curate selections of the best photos for sharing on our Facebook page.
  • Maintain a consistent and engaging digital presence, reflecting the energy and diversity of our events.

We Need Someone Who Is:

  • Tech-savvy, with a good grasp of Google Drive and Facebook functionalities.
  • Passionate about photography and storytelling through images.
  • Organized and detail-oriented, ensuring prompt and efficient photo collection and upload.
  • Fluent in English and comfortable with computer work.
  • Able to dedicate 1 hour per week to this role.

Why Volunteer With Us?

  • Make a meaningful impact by preserving and sharing the essence of our events.
  • Be part of a dynamic and supportive team.
  • Enhance your skills in digital archiving and social media management.
  • Connect with the Romanian community and be at the heart of cultural exchange.

Immediate Start Available! Join us in this exciting journey to capture and share the essence of Romanian culture and community life. Your contribution will not only preserve memories but also inspire and connect people.

Apply Now! Send your application to [your email/contact details]. We can’t wait to welcome you to our team!

If interested please apply here

Power Station++ | Mobilități pentru profesioniști din sectorul cultural

Power Station++ este un program de finanțare nerambursabilă a stagiilor de formare și granturilor de călătorie ale profesioniștilor care activează în domeniul cultural, derulat de Centrul de Proiecte al Municipiului Timișoara, din sume alocate de la bugetul de stat, prin bugetul Ministerului Culturii.

Programul se adresează profesioniștilor români sau străini din sectorul cultural, indiferent de statutul de angajat sau freelancer: artiști, manageri culturali, producători, curatori, critici de artă, manageri financiari, mediatori culturali, cercetători, profesioniști în domeniul comunicării culturale, profesioniști în domeniul politicilor culturale, alte ocupații din zona suportului tehnic sau administrativ pentru scena culturală.

Mobilitățile pot să se deruleze oriunde în lume, dar sunt încurajate cele care se desfășoară în orașe actuale sau viitoare Capitale Europene ale Culturii.

Informații suplimentare se regăsesc aici

Blog de Film

Căutăm colegi noi! Ești pasionat de cinema? Scrii des? Scrii mult? Și, mai ales, scrii despre filme? Alătură-te echipei noastre și publică recenziile tale!



ANTI TERROR – AVI (Art Video International) PROJECT

ANTI TERROR – AVI (Art Video International) PROJECT

A call for video creators , screen-based artist & video artist to send their works to ANTI TERROR Video Festival under the artistic direction of the artist Ynin Shillo.

The festival will be held in the coming months in Israel,
Probably at the Blood Party site.

The „open call” seeks to give artists a platform to express themselves in their positions opposing terrorism of all kinds

Information regarding how to submit:
Email address for sending the works: avifes4videoart@gmail.com
A link ( with a password, if necessary,) to view and download the work in high quality
Name of the work, name of the artist, year of creation, duration of the work and country of origin of the creator or creators
If you want, you can add text

The AVI project wishes to send condolences to all the families affected by acts of terrorism all over the globe

*By sending a download link, the artist gives permission to AVI to present this work at AVI festivals.

‘Moving Music’ – Composer seeks Dancer

A composer working in the contemporary form seeking a collaborative exchange with dancers and choreographers for a new work.

Where: Online

When: January 2024

Deadline: 1.1.24

I’m a composer working in the contemporary form seeking a collaborative exchange with dancers and choreographers for my new work ‘MOVING MUSIC’.

The piece aims to combine multiple choreographed interpretations of short pieces into a single large-form video work. I will provide the music in exchange for a video of the dance performance which will then be encorporated into the final audio visual work.

All performances will be featured on my website: www.brianledwidgeflynn.de and presented to festivals and screenings.

Your work would be credited and you would be free to use the piece in your portfolio and/or future performances and promotion. 

All styles and levels of experience are welcome.

How to register:
Register Interest Here: https://www.brianledwidgeflynn.de/blank-1

For further information, please visit www.brianledwidgeflynn.de

Residency program 2024 / open call

Our theatre is technically and spatially well suited for the creation of dance works. We see it as our privilege and obligation to provide these spaces to independent artists or other established companies from Slovakia and abroad.

We want to connect with artists and support their development in the field of contemporary dance and physical theatre.

That is why we are coming up with the next edition of the Artistic Residency Programme at Divadlo Štúdio tanca 2024. After two successful cycles of artistic residencies, we are once again offering an adequate professional space for the work of artists in the field of contemporary dance. The residency programme is designed to cover different stages of the creative process and artistic approach. 

Choose the sub-program that best suits the needs of your project.  

We provide individuals, companies or other projects with adequate working conditions as well as the professional support needed to cultivate their own creative work. Open call is open to dancers and performers, but also to ancillary professions in the field (production, lighting design, sound, management, etc.).

Applications for residencies will be assessed by the DŠT dramaturgical board and, if necessary, will also be consulted with other experts and colleagues. 

The condition for participation in the residency is a public output from the creative process and the minimum length of the residency is 14 days.

The public output can take the form of a work-in-progress presentation, video documentation, photographic documentation, workshop, discussion or any publicly accessible form.

Thematic and content focus of the 2024 residency programme
  • Communicating the world of theatre with the outside world
  • upRising ( as upRising and/or as Mobilization – mobilization of artists and representatives of established and independent culture in order to improve the life and atmosphere in the Slovak Republic and in the world)
The residency programme is divided into sub-programmes
  • Final step
  • Education and research
  • Inside out
  • Professional visit
  • Dream box
  • Destination:creation
  • Dance incubator

Call opening: 15. November 2023
Deadline for sending applications: 15 December 2023
Publication of results: 15 January 2024

Contact for more information: Alexandra Mireková

Only selected applicants will be informed of their selection via email, others will only be contacted before the deadline for publication of the results in case of any uncertainties or additional questions.

a Dance Mag – Call for Contributors. Issue 5: Flow

This issue of a Dance Mag is an invitation to explore states of Flow. How often do we find ourselves in a state of „Flow” when we dance? What obstacles hinder our access to this state? Do states of „Flow” experienced in dance extend to other areas and aspects of life? How does the regular experience of „Flow” impact our personalities, routines, relationships with others, and overall outlook on life? 

Note: The fact that the Structure and the Flow themes are published simultaneously does not suggest an opposition. They can be complementary and interconnected.

Submissions Material

  1. Please send an Expression of Interest with a synopsis of your story to editorial@adancemag.com with the subject line: Submission to “Flow” by December 25, 2023.
  2. A full draft of your story will be expected by January 25, 2024.
  3. Along with a 30 to 40 words biography line.
  4. If available, please include two to three accompanying images that you hold the rights to, in any resolution.


  1. A Dance Mag welcomes short and long (600 to 4000 words) of creative nonfiction relevant to the theme, this may include research, personal, ekphrastic or lyrical essays, feature articles, reportage, experiential reviews, conversations, interviews, and travel writings. 
  2. A Dance Mag privileges storytelling and experiential writing.
  3. The language of the publication is English (American style).
  4. A Dance Mag publishes original work. However, it may republish writings originally published in a language other than English.
  5. A Dance Mag retains exclusive publication rights for six months following the issue release. If republished elsewhere we appreciate mentioning that the piece was originally published in a Dance Mag. 
  6. Submissions are free of charge, and given the independent nature of the magazine, contributions cannot be compensated. All sales revenue goes to the production of the next issue of the magazine. Selected contributors will receive a copy of the magazine upon publication.
  7. Selected submissions will receive notification within 45 days. The editorial board operates on a volunteer basis, so we apologize for not being able to answer all emails. 
  8. Selected submissions may undergo a lengthy editing process that requires contributors’ engagement and timely responses.
  9. This call is not open for artwork and photography.

More information here

Cursuri de actorie – adulți

Scoala de teatru nou infiintata cauta studenta sau proaspat absolventa UNATC pentru a sustine cursuri de actorie pentru adulti si pentru a organiza apoi spectacole cu cursantii. Pentru inceput cursurile se vor sustine o data pe saptamana seara sau in weekend. Dorim o colaborare pe termen lung. Rugam seriozitate. Va rugam trimiteti un e-mail pe glory.art.teatru@gmail.com

OpenCall – Rezidență de Artă

Într-o lume în care diferențele ne îndepărtează în ciuda dorințelor noastre de apropiere, Salonul Suseni aduce laolaltă o comunitate de artiști care se cercetează prin intenții sincere. Cum ne dorim să ne păstrăm în acest sentiment, deschidem apelul pentru singura rezidență artistică desfășurată între zilele dintre ani în România.

Cui ne adresăm?
Invităm cu căldură să aplice toți artiștii emergenți, însă acordăm o ușoară prioritate scriitorilor și muzicienilor.

În singurul loc de care ți se face dor înainte să-l cunoști. La Suseni – cu accent circumflex, să-l simți în fiecare silabă.

Trimiteți portofoliul până pe 10 decembrie, la miezul nopții – salonulsuseni@gmail.com

Pentru cei care aveți întrebări sau doriți informații suplimentare, vă așteptăm mesajele pe instagram @salonulsuseni

Specialist relații publice și comunicare

În vederea desfășurării activităților specifice și funcționării optime a Compartimentului Marketing, Diseminarea Informațiilor, Relații Publice și Mass Media, INCDCP-ICECHIM București anunță scoaterea la concurs a următorului post:

Specialist relații publice și comunicare (asimilat Cod COR 243201 specialist în relații publice)
Compartimentului Marketing, Diseminare informații, Relații Publice și Mass Media

Număr posturi vacante: 1

Termen limită de de depunere a dosarelor: 14 decembrie 2023

Informații suplimentare se regăsesc aici