WE-Open Call

Engaging people through creativity, the WE-Open Call invites proposals from artists who want to take creative risks, explore new ideas, develop an educational project, create a new work, explore new styles and more.

Apply online from anywhere in the world!

Deadline for applications: Monday, November 29th, 2021, 12AM CET

To be eligible to apply, applicants must meet each of the following criteria:

  • You’re over the age of 18.
  • Dance or movement forms are a significant part of your project.
  • You want to take creative risks, explore new ideas, develop an educational project, create a new work, explore new styles and techniques, etc.

Important Information

Application Materials must be completed in English.

  • Selection Criteria | Project responses will be reviewed based on creativity & curiosity, feasibility of the proposed project, impact on the development of the artist and/or the community. Only those projects meeting the open call criteria will be reviewed.
  • A project does not have to be new. Existing projects may be just as competitive as new work.
  • If selected, proof of age and identity will be required.
  • All applicants will be notified of their application status. After notification, applicants who have questions may contact WE. Any applicant whose request has not been recommended for funding may ask for an explanation of the basis for not being selected. In such instances, we must be contacted no later than 7 days after the official notification.
  • Amount of the WE-Award: 1000€
  • The recipient of the WE-Award will be announced one week after the submission’s deadline.
  • The jury is composed of 5 members from the movement community who alternate on each WE-Open Call.

The jury reserves the right to divide the WE-Award between two or more applicants depending on the amount of the prize and the relevance of the artistic projects.

Full WE-Open Call description and application details available here