Open City Documentary Festival 2021 Film Submission Pre-Selectors

Open City Documentary Festival is looking for individuals to join our film submissions pre-selection panel for our 2021 edition. We are seeking committed individuals with a proven interest in non-fiction cinema and this opportunity is suitable for those with some experience in film programming and moving image curation.

Submission Viewers will support the Director of Film Programming and will be expected to watch 78 hours (across feature, mid-length and short films) between December 2020 and June 2021. They will also take part in one meeting per month with the Open City Documentary Festival Programming team to feedback on their viewing. Candidates can be based anywhere but should be fluent in English (written and verbal).

Open City Documentary Festival creates an open space to nurture and champion the art of creative documentary and non-fiction filmmakers. Over 7500 people attended the tenth edition of the festival which took place online. The festival took place between 9th–15th September 2020 screening international contemporary non-fiction film, audio and cross media. The 11th edition of the festival will take place in September 2021.

We encourage applications from people of all backgrounds but particularly welcome applications from candidates from BAME backgrounds.

To apply please complete the application form here attaching your CV as well as a short review of a documentary you’ve seen recently that you liked or did not like (up to 200 words).

Fixed fee: £825

The closing date for this position is 5pm on Wednesday 9th December 2020. APPLY HERE.

MAX3MIN Short Film Festival

MAX3MIN is an on-line newborn short film festival where the films are so short they last no longer than 3 minutes. The festival is born out of the sole intent of telling stories. Film stories condensed in a minimum time, stories about the time that runs fast, stories of feelings that do not need time.Born in the virtual world, the first edition of MAX3MIN will take place from 10 to 21 March on an customized platform. There is only one international call for entries: with no division into categories, we look for short films of every genre and language, shot in any format and at any time.Duration is the only limit: up to 3 minutes, excluding titles, and every filmmaker can submit up to 3 films.For this reason, I ask you to spread the world among your students at the National University of Theatre and Film, as I think it could be a good start for them to submit their first projects and be awarded with 3,000 euros for the production of a new film. What’s more, the submission is totally free.The students can submit their works both on our website and on FilmFreeway and every filmmaker can submit 3 films maximum.For more information about M3M, rules and awards you can check on our website or in our .

Open City Documentary Festival

Open City Documentary Festival creates an open space to nurture and champion the art of creative documentary and non-fiction filmmakers. We provide a platform for emerging talent as well as established masters working within the documentary form.

Over 7500 people attended the tenth edition of the festival which took place online. The festival took place between 9th–15th September 2020 screening international contemporary non-fiction film, audio and cross media, as well as filmmaker Q&As, industry panels, special live events and industry networking opportunities.

Submissions for Open City Documentary Festival 2021 are now open. We’re looking for creative, innovative, challenging non-fiction filmmaking at short, mid-length and feature-length, as well as short audio documentaries, and cross platform projects.

Prizes are awarded in four categories: Open City Award, Emerging Filmmaker Award, the UK Short Award, and International Short Award.


Gallery +359 International Resident Program

Gallery +359 is located in the building of a preserved water tower in Sofia, Bulgaria. It was designed in 1903 by the German engineer Franz Salbach, and the structure was finished in 1929. 27 meters tall, it was built at the highest point of the Lozenets district in Sofia (610.40 m), based on a French system for construction of water towers with reinforced concrete and brick masonry. The tower’s tank, now hosting various video and audio projects, has a volume of 100 cubic meters. In the past, apart from being a hydraulic structure, the architecture of the building permitted it to serve as a watchtower.

The residency provides a working stay in Sofia from two weeks to a month, at the invitation of the gallery, for foreign visual artist to create a site-specific project for the Water tower space.
The stay will be split in two parts, the specifics of which depend on the artistic practice of the resident – a research period and a production period. Within the Resident Program, the artist will make a presentation of his or hers work to the public and will draw up an exhibition plan. The date of the presentation will be decided according to the exhibition schedule and the artist’s possibility to stay. Gallery +359 will provide a studio; will cover the travel expenses as well as production costs for the exhibition, as the budget will vary depending on the project. The artist will donate a work for the contemporary art collection of Gallery +359.

Provided for the artist:

  • accomodation
  • travel expenses
  • production budget (up to 1500Eur)
  • working studio
  • curatorial & technical assistance

Residency period:

June/July 2021 Research & production period

June/July 2021 Research period and additional production period before the exibition

To Apply:

The application files must include the following:

  • Outline of a project proposal
  • CV (up to 4 pages)
  • Portfolio with a selection of 3–5 relevant projects (PDF)

Candidates are requested to send their applications before December 31, 2020 by email or Wetransfer to the following address:

Details here

Project Coordinator – IETM

Full-time contract of 18 months, as from 15th January 2021

You can download the full call for applications here.

IETM, International network for contemporary performing arts, is a network of 500 professional organisations engaged in the contemporary performing arts from over 50 countries. Our members include independent artists and other performing arts professionals, festivals, companies, producers, theatres, research and resource centres, universities and institutional bodies. 


For implementing an EU project, we are looking for a full-time Project Coordinator, who will execute and support the 18-month process of the project implementation. The extension of the contract is possible, but it is subject to securing funding upon the end of the project.

The main responsibility of Project Coordinator will be ensuring a day-to-day smooth and effective flow among the multiple tasks and stages of the project. Project Coordinator will support and follow-up on the implementation of key production, administration and communication tasks of the project, in close collaboration with Project Administrator, Communication Manager, Digital Platform Expert, Project Manager, Consortium Board and the research team. She/he will coordinate the communication among the Consortium members, and elaborate and follow-up on implementation schedules.  Project Coordinator will also work to meet reporting requirements, with the support of Project Manager and the rest of the project team. Project Coordinator will be occasionally asked to represent the project publicly.

Project Coordinator will report to the Project Manager.


We are looking for a hands-on and multi-skilled person, with a positive attitude and a passion for performing arts. The successful candidate will have a strategic approach to project management and a progressive outlook towards finding the best solutions.

Skills and experience:

  • Three to six years of experience in the performing arts or wider cultural sector, at an international level. Direct experience in the performing arts touring management is a vital asset.
  • Experience in production and administration. Knowledge of communication tools, channels and strategies is a bonus.
  • Strong written and spoken skills in English. Other languages are a plus.
  • Ability to work independently and as a team player, in a multicultural environment
  • Strong organisational  and planning skills, strategic thinking and practical approach to problem-solving
  • Ability to meet tight deadlines, shifting between tasks and keep oversight on priorities
  • Excellent communication, interpersonal and networking skills
  • Experience in managing EU projects is desirable, but not required 

Recruitment process

Please send your CV and cover letter to Deadline: 1 December, 2020. Interviews will take place in the first two weeks of December. 

Terms of contract

The successful candidate will start on the 15th of January 2021. The starting date is, unfortunately, non-negotiable. 

This is a full-time position, based in Brussels. The wage will be defined based on the Belgian salary scale for the performing arts sector (column B).

For more information, please contact  Elena Polivtseva, at

Monolog Slam Romania

Reguli de participare:

1. La începutul video-ului trebuie să spui numele tău, autorul, personajul şi opera din care face parte monologul sau să se regăsească toate aceste informații în descrierea vide-ului de pe YouTube.

2. Monologul nu poate fi mai lung de 3 min (va trebui să vă cronometraţi singuri;))

3. Monologul poate să fie în romană sau engleză.

4. Fiecare participant are dreptul doar la un monolog înscris.

5. Video-ul trebuie uplodat pe YouTube, e alegerea voastră dacă este public sau unlisted.

6. Link-ul trebuie trimis către pagina Monolog Slam România sau Mike Savuica.

Data limită de înscriere este 27.11.2020 ora 23:59

* Nu există limită de vârstă.

* Monologul poate fi din orice fel de operă, inclusiv creații proprii.

* Poate participa oricine.

* Orice video trimis care nu respectă toate regulile menţionate mai sus, nu va fi luat în considerare pentru competiţie.

Rezultatele vor fi afişate, luni 30.11.2020, ora 20:30, pe pagina Monolog Slam România.

Locul I 300 lei
Locul II 200 lei
Şi 6 locuri în valoare de 150 de lei fiecare.

Call for Papers: CINETic Review 2(1).2020 Adaptive Storytelling

Adaptive Storytelling

Story lies at the basis of human experience of life. We see stories in a leaf floating, in a cup of tea, a natural disaster or in a moving dot on a screen. We tell stories to communicate with each other, to make sense of the world we live in, to entertain ourselves and our fellows.

Story bears a conflict between fixed form and fluidity. 

Actors adapt to their audiences, especially in comedy performances. Commedia dell’Arte involved a continuous dialogue between improvisation and pre-written texts. Forms of improvisation theatre use low but efficient techniques to build adaptive storytelling.

While a story can be fixed in a script, stories time travel and are re-told. The printing press fixed the novels in books as a culmination of storytelling. Captured movement fixed stories on celluloid and made actors into stars. Later, on in the digital environment, what was fixed became fluid again. The end can become the beginning, the dead can resurrect on screen and entertain us once again with vidding, produsage or  datamoshing becoming a widespread practice in online video, content audiences interacting with ready made content in shaping new stories. 

With the advent of stronger and stronger computing power, a new ideal is emerging: interactive storytelling.

Story is strongly linked to the technology and the medium through which it is told. Besides delivering targeted commercials, nowadays AI can simulate speech and draft scripts. Games use AI in emulating non-human players for bringing action and realism to digital worlds. Will AI overcome the need for a good story for structure? Will we be living the dream of a digital storytelling machine?

CINETic Review 2(1).2020 focusses on technologies and techniques used for creating live or recorded adaptive stories. We look forward to papers publishing original research results or case studies from fields of performance, film, gaming, interactive art, social platforms, and interdisciplinary art-science-technology approaches on interactive storytelling practices.

All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed. Accepted articles will be published in the CINETic Review

The previous issue of our open-sourced journal can be read here: CINETic Review 1(1).2019


  • Title, Author(s) and Affiliations
  • Abstract: 400 words
  • Deadline: 10 February 2021
  • Abstracts will be sent at


TITLE: maximum 8 words.

ABSTRACT: 150-200 words.


ARTICLE LENGTH: minimum 2500 words, maximum 5000 words.




  • Introduction (minimum: State of the subject, Objective, Hypothesis)
  • Methods | Methodology
  • Results | Findings | Originality
  • Discussion | Relevance
  • References

ILLUSTRATIONS: maximum 3 (photographs, drawings, diagrams, charts), captioned in Harvard style, included in the text and sent separately as .jpg files.

BIOGRAPHY: maximum 250 words, plus a 3x4cm portrait picture (to be sent separately as .jpg file).

Authors are invited to present selected papers at the online conference on Games  Education and Digital Tools between 6-9 November 2020 organized by the CINETic center of the National University of Theatre and Film Bucharest.

All contributions and correspondence should be sent to:

MILL’S BEAUTY / REALITY SALON – a Needcompany fellowship

***In light of the recent measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, we decided to prolong the application deadline until 5 January 2021.***


In theory there is no difference between Michelangelo, Louise Bourgeois, Martha Graham and Simone de Beauvoir: they all start out from that empty moment, that blank canvas, and then decide when they will let the world in. The time Michelangelo spent staring at his block of marble before he carved the Pietà: that is noiseless time.

Nowadays, when art is systematically being associated with the realm of commodities, when the work of art needs to meet the demands of production and deliver results saleable on the market, with MILL’s Beauty Salon we want to mark out the moment of noiseless time – when the realms of beauty and reality come together and feed the artistic process.

With MILL’s Reality Salon we want to address the question of whether the era of BEAUTY is over and whether REALITY has now become the main topic of artistic interest. Is it the case that the true moment of exploration occurs when one word is mistaken for another? We wish that the artists of the salon, instead of going in one direction or another, remain open for the clash of these two notions – in its poetic and formal quest.

MILL’s Beauty Salon was born out of the desire to continue the multidisciplinary artistic exploration that Needcompany began more than 30 years ago. We want to create a space in which to keep heritage on the move and open ourselves up for new encounters with artists of different generations, experiences and visions.As one of the most funded independent theatre organizations in Flanders, we feel an urge to share resources in the current crisis, to create possibilities for those in need and to create awareness of the sensibility and precariousness of those who keep the arts alive.

MILL’s Reality Salon is related to MILL – Needcompany’s artistic house in the heart of Sint-Jans-Molenbeek, which, since March 2017, has been a place for thinking, creating, rehearsing, connecting and exchanging.

MILL’s Beauty Salon is neither a residency nor a production-oriented programme. We are explicitly committed to supporting artists in thinking, dreaming and creating timelessly.Our wish is to support the artistic process by providing an environment and the required resources.

To apply for MILL’s Reality Salon, we are only inviting artists (whether individuals or collectives) who have never collaborated with Needcompany before.

The budget of MILL’s Beauty Salon is 10 000 euro, which will be granted to one or several artists, depending on the specific needs of their proposals.

In addition to financial support, Needcompany offers support in kind: a residency room at MILL (writers’ room), use of the studio at MILL (play room), and a dramaturgical dialogue with the members of Needcompany. The selected artists will be given the opportunity to present their work to the public at MILL.

The fellowship is open to all nationalities & ages and designed for artists who have developed an independent body of work over a number of years.

We encourage applications from artists who have a link with Brussels, the heart of international thinking.

The timeframe of the fellowship is February–December 2021.

The jury will consist of the representatives of the artists, staff and board members of Needcompany, and a guest jury member.


Send us the following information:


& the following attachments:

1)    Your CV outlining your artistic experience
2)    Your digital portfolio
3)    Your statement, addressing the following questions:
–       Why are you applying for MILL’s Beauty Salon?
–       What does your artistic practice consist of today?
–       What do you propose for MILL’s Reality Salon? (describe your concrete plan and estimate its budget and/or production conditions)

Email your application (up to 10MB) to:

Deadline for submissions is 5 January 2021. Results will be announced by the beginning of February 2021.

Any questions? Email Kasia Tórz (, Needcompany’s artistic & programme developer.

Open Call: 2021 Photography and Social Justice Fellowship

Magnum Foundation’s Photography and Social Justice Program builds capacity through critical explorations of photography and social change.

Each year, the program supports a diverse, international group of Photography and Social Justice Fellows who are passionate about challenging injustice, pursuing social equality, and advancing human rights through photography. The program provides space for interdisciplinary experimentation, mentored project development, and cross-cultural, critical discourse for developing new approaches to socially engaged documentary practice. With intensive mentorship, artist- and expert-led workshops, peer-to-peer learning, and production funds, this program prepares fellows to make effective creative projects and become leaders who inspire social movements, pose difficult questions, and stimulate debate and awareness about pressing social issues. 

Magnum Foundation covers the cost of participation, including all educational and programmatic activities. Fellows also receive a modest stipend to support the production of their projects. The program is produced in partnership with the City University of New York Graduate School of Journalism.

The Photography and Social Justice Program takes place during May through October 2021 and  includes a core seminar course, workshops, mentored project development, and mentored production. Due to COVID-19, the 2021 program will be held remotely and meetings will occur with consideration of participants’ timezones.

Magnum Foundation Photography and Social Justice Fellows are early- to mid-career photographers or individuals in aligned disciplines who are motivated to deepen their engagement with photography and social justice.

This program especially aims to support people of color, women, gender non-conforming individuals, LGBTQ individuals, individuals who are part of racial, ethnic, or religious minority groups, and others whose authorship is unevenly represented within the field of documentary photography.

Applications are due December 1, 2020 at 11:59pm ET.

Photography and Social Justice Fellows are selected through an open, international call for applications. Candidates will be notified about their status of their application in early February 2021.

Shortlisted applicants will be interviewed and final decisions will be made by the end of February 2021.

There are no exceptions to the deadline. We encourage you to get your application in before the official due date to avoid any technical issues that might interfere with a timely submission.

More details and application link here

Burse Tinere Talente ediția 2021

Fundația Regală Margareta a României lansează o nouă selecție pentru programul de Burse Tinere Talente ediția 2021, adresată tinerilor muzicieni și artiști vizuali. Termenul limită al aplicației este 18 decembrie 2020.

Candidații pentru Bursele Tinere Talente 2021 trebuie să îndeplinească următoarele criterii de eligibilitate:

  1. să aibă vârsta cuprinsă între 14 și 24 de ani
  2. să studieze la liceele sau universitățile de arte vizuale și muzică din România
  3. să provină din familii cu venitul de sub 1.500 LEI / membru de familie, și să poată dovedi că nu dispun de mijloace financiare pentru a-și perfecționa talentul

* Cei care au fost bursieri Tinere Talente de 3 ori până acum, nu mai pot aplica pentru o nouă selecție.

Cum aplici pentru Bursa Tinere Talente

Trimite prin e-mail până la data de 18 decembrie 2020, dosarul de candidatură. Acesta trebuie să includă:

1.Formularul de înscriere, disponibil AICI

Formularul va fi însoțit de documente justificative pentru situația materială prezentată (fluturaș de salariu sau adeverință de venit, copie talon de pensie, copie indemnizație de șomaj, după caz ). Pentru membrii familiei care nu au venituri, dar au peste 18 ani și nu sunt înscriși într-o formă de învățământ, se va atașa o declarație pe proprie răspundere conform căreia aceștia nu realizează venituri. Aceste documente justificative se atașează pentru părinți, bunici și frați care locuiesc în aceeași gospodărie.

  1. Curriculum vitae care va conține date de contact (e-mail și telefon), concursurile la care a participat candidatul, diplome și premii obținute etc.
  2. O scrisoare de recomandare din partea unui profesor de specialitate în care se va face referire la calitățile artistice și cele umane ale candidatului (de exemplu: perseverență, dedicație, punctualitate, respect față de ceilalți etc.)
  3. Adeverință de elev/student sau copie după carnetul de elev/ student
  4. Copie act de identitate buletin/carte de identitate sau certificat de naștere
  5. Acord prelucrare date personale disponibil AICI.

Etapele procesului de selecție:

  1. Trimiterea dosarului de candidatură – până la data de 18 decembrie 2020.
  2. Preselecția: analiza dosarelor, realizată de echipa proiectului – până la data de 10 ianuarie 2020.
  3. Selecția candidaților pentru muzică se va realiza în baza unei înregistrări audio-video cu durata de maximum 10 minute conținând o piesă muzicală la alegere solo sau cu acompaniament de pian. Fișierul va fi transmis prin wetransfer sau un alt serviciu de transfer de fișiere, iar linkul va fi comunicat în mailul trimis la adresa: În e-mail vor fi precizate numele, prenumele, unitatea de învățământ. Nu se accepta înregistrări din concert, înregistrări care au o durata mai mare de 10 minute.
  4. Selecția pentru domeniul Arte Vizuale va fi realizată în baza unui portofoliu artistic cu lucrări, animații, fotografii etc. trimis în format electronic. Vă rugăm insistent să trimiteți portofoliul cu fotografii în format PDF, în caz contrar, nu va fi luat în calcul. Denumirea PDF-ului trebuie să cuprindă: PRENUME+NUME +PORTOFOLIU ARTE VIZUALE. Portofoliul va fi transmis prin wetransfer sau un alt serviciu de transfer de fișiere, iar linkul va fi comunicat în mailul trimis la adresa: În e-mail vor fi precizate numele, prenumele, unitatea de învățământ. Se recomandă un minim de 15 și un maxim de 25 de imagini cu lucrări realizate în ultimii 2 ani, iar portofoliul să fie însoțit de o scurtă  descriere a propriului demers artistic și a procesului creativ.
  5. Interviul va fi realizat on-line de către juriu cu acei candidați care au trecut de etapa selecției (evaluarea portofoliului și a înregistrărilor audio – video). Dosarul de înscriere trebuie însoțit de înregistrare audio-video pentru muzică și de portofoliul artistic pentru arte vizuale.

Dosarul complet se trimite până la data de 18 decembrie 2020 la adresa de e-mail:

Pentru informații suplimentare, vă rugăm să ne contactați la adresa :

Despre Tinere Talente

Programul Tinere Talente susține și promovează tinerii artiști din familii cu venituri modeste, care nu-și pot dezvolta talentul din cauza lipsurilor materiale și financiare. Bursele Tinere Talente se acordă pe perioada unui an calendaristic și permit tinerilor să își cumpere materiale și instrumente și să participe la concursuri, concerte, expoziții și cursuri de specializare în România sau în străinătate. De asemenea, Fundația  Regală Margareta a României organizează anual o tabără de creație și o serie de diferite workshop-uri de mentorat artistic.

Dansnät Sverige – Tour application for spring 2022

Deadline November 23rd 2020

Companies and choreographers who would like to tour with Dancenet Sweden are welcome to apply by filling in the application form below.

Please read our TOUR CONDITIONS before filling in the form here.

Please note that:

  • you can apply with a maximum of 2 productions per company/choreographer.
  • the information you provide in the application form is binding.
  • Dancenet Sweden does not tour with performances that primarily target children.
  • the technical specifications and stage dimensions that you provide must be correct, as the programmers make their choices based on the information you submit in the application form. Please include a technical rider as well as a lighting plan.

Graphic / Web Designer


  • Proven work experience as a web designer
  • Considered a plus: work experience also on print graphic
  • Considered a plus: work in sport or gaming industry

Competences & Skills

  • Demonstrable graphic design skills with a portfolio
  • Good knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite, InDesign, Illustrator
  • Excellent online visual design skills, with sensitivity to user-system interaction
  • UX experience
  • Ability to handle multiple projects and complete tasks on time.
  • Be a team player.
  • Receptive to creative review and feedback.
  • Considered a plus experience in mobile design
  • Considered a plus: knowledge of CSS/HTML, flash
  • Considered a plus: knowledge of working in Adobe After Effects
  • English fluent

Job responsibilitiеs

  • Creаte and dеvelop all visuаl design stagеs from concеpt to final hand-off
  • Realize layout web pages / banners & social media graphics / print graphics / brand identity
  • Execute animated graphics for marketing campaigns: banners, social media visuals.
  • Conceptualize original website design ideas that bring simplicity and user friendliness to complex roadblocks.
  • Establish and promote design guidelines, best practices and standards
  • UX: Creating wireframes, storyboards, user flows, process flows and site maps.

We rise to the challenge:

  • Highly competitive salary;
  • Meal tickets;
  • Young and dynamic team;
  • Training and accommodation period;
  • Stable employment and professional development opportunities.

Details and application here

Editor Video

Candidatul ideal

Experienta in editarea video;
Cunoastere a programelor Adobe Photoshop, Premiere si After Effects sau alte programe avansate de editare video;
Creativ in editare.
Atentie la detalii.

Descrierea jobului

Oferim audio si acces la platforme pentru footage, pentru selectarea cadrelor, dar este nevoie si de research facut pentru selectarea cadrelor de referinta.
Gen video-uri: documentar. Avem nevoie de 10-12 video-uri pe luna (5 -10 minute lungime)
Oferim 100 euro per video. Plata se face dupa fiecare video finalizat.
Este nevoie de limba engleza la nivel avansat.

Detalii și link aplicare aici

Art Director (Graphic Designer)

You would be joining one of thе leading direct marketing companies in Romania. At our side you will represent our brands in highly competitive niches in thе US market. You’ll learn a LOT about promotions, social media, banners, split testing, marketing strategy, research, targeting, etc.

– You are a Photoshop wizard. Illustrator is a major plus;
– You’ve been working with video editing programs like Vegas or Premiere;

– You must have an EXCELLENT command of thе English language;
– You are thе type of person who gets things done;
– You are a very good organizer;
You are a practical person with good common sense;
– You can underestand what makes people tick;

– creates banners for all our products;
– creates packaging, cover, website design;
– edits video ads and other videos on our websites;
– edits and creates content videos for social media;
– edits pictures for our websites;
– creates web pages in an easy to use website builder;

If interested please apply here.

Students‘ Platform: Call for entries open until November 30, 2020

Freiburger Film Forum

Festival of Transcultural Cinema

Our festivals’ students’ platform calls for first and final works such as documentaries, feature films and short films covering inter- and sociocultural issues. With our selection we aim to give an insight into the diversity, creativity, and originality of emerging filmmakers & visual anthropologists from all around the world – with no restrictions on theme, duration, or form.

We are looking for films that explore the complexity of our world by telling individual stories within their local contexts. Students of visual anthropology, media arts, filmmaking as well as socially engaged filmmakers without any formal study in these areas are welcome to submit their work. What matters most to us is the film’s attempt to listen and observe closely, the filmmaker’s sensitive engagement with its protagonists and subjects as well as its originality in terms of both content and form.

Collaborative, participative methods as well as experimental approaches to conveying social-cultural issues are most welcome. Just as in recent years, we also aim to create a space for VR projects and interactive documentaries.

Looking forward to submissions from all around the globe!

Submission deadline: November 30, 2020.

Submissions here

Casting reclamă

SAFT Casting are un nou proiect în desfășurare pentru o reclamă. De data aceasta căutăm:

  • adolescenți fete și băieți
  • studenți la actorie fete și băieți

Cei interesați sunt așteptați cu mesaje în privat.

România fără corupție – concurs de filme de scurtmetraj

Concursul de filme de scurtmetraj cu tematică anticorupție România fără Corupție ( face parte din Proiectul #Integritate 2020 inițiat de Asociația Pro Democrația (, Direcția Generală Anticorupție ( și Fundația Hanns Seidel România (

Proiectul este asociat Festivalului Internațional de Film Transilvania (TIFF), ediția 2020.

Concursul se desfășoară în perioada august – decembrie 2020, iar perioada de înscriere a filmelor de scurt metraj este 1 octombrie – 20 noiembrie 2020, ora 23.59. Formularele de înscriere primite după această dată nu vor fi luate în considerare.
Înscrierea în concurs a filmelor realizate se face completând formularul electronic de pe site-ul, la butonul Înscrie filmul tău aici.
Câștigătorii vor fi anunțați și premiați pe 9 decembrie a.c., de Ziua Internațională Anticorupție, în cadrul Galei Integrității – ediția 2020, la care, în funcţie de situaţia epidemiologică din acel moment, vor fi invitaţi realizatorii primelor 10 filme clasate. Cu această ocazie vor fi proiectate primele 10 filmele clasate. Ulterior, datei de 9 decembrie 2020 vor fi postate pe site-ul concursului link-uri pentru toate filmele participante în concurs.

Concursul film de scurt metraj cu tematică anticorupţie România fără corupţie se desfăşoară la două secţiuni: amatori şi profesionişti.
Fiecare participant poate concura cu un singur film, care să abordeze unul sau mai multe dintre următoarele subiecte:

a) urmările corupției asupra viitorului cetăţenilor/tinerilor – filme care ilustrează modul în care corupția afectează modul de viață, viitorul și nivelul de trai;
b) atitudinea ce trebuie adoptată faţă de faptele de corupţie – filme care ilustrează refuzul funcționarului public de a primi mită sau reacția cetățeanului atunci când i se cere mită;
c) modalitățile de sesizare a faptelor de corupție – lucrări care ilustrează modalitățile prin care pot fi sesizate faptele de corupție (ex. apel Call-center anticorupţie 0800.806.806, depunere denunţ, plângere etc.).

Regulamentul integral se regăsește aici.

Persoanele interesate se pot înscrie aici.

Figurație simplă lungmetraj

Remuneratie figuratie simpla – 100 lei + 50 lei proba de costume

Proba de costume va avea loc in perioada 18.11.2020 – 20.11.2020

ZILE FILMARE: 30 NOIEMBRIE – 1 DECEMBRIE 2020 (fiecare persoana poate avea una sau doua zile de filmare)

Se vor realiza teste COVID la inceputul fiecarei  zilei de filmare/proba costume.

Detalii și link pentru aplicare aici

Casting Call – Men

We are looking for men with long hair (shoulder length), preferably blonde, to play as extras in an upcoming film. The hair must be natural, undyed, no modern haircuts, no undercuts or similar others. Beards/mustaches are a plus.

The Production – An international period film directed by Eric Poppe, ”The Emigrants” is a Swedish/Norwegian co-production. Based on the novel series with the same name, it tells the story of 19th century woman that sets on a dangerous journey to America, in hopes of a better life for her and her children.


Andrada Fuscas, Central Casting, 0786512001


Internship graphic design

Ți-ar plăcea ca talentul tău în graphic design să fie materializat printr-o experiență în Turcia?

DesignPr are pregătit pentru tine un post de intern pe o perioadă de 6 saptămâni, fie în ianuarie, fie în mai, în care vei putea lua contact cu lucrul de echipă într-o agenție de digital marketing.

Cazarea si voia bună sunt asigurate.

Te poți înscrie pe dacă această oportunitate îți surâde.Pentru mai multe detalii poți accesa:

Graphic Designer

Țară, țară, vrem ostași! Aka un art director/graphic designer freelancer cu ceva experiență în agenție (să zicem minimun 2 ani) care să ne ajute când proiectele vin năvală peste noi. Ne-ar mai plăcea să fie creativ, atent la detalii și la curent cu ce-i nou și în trend în domeniul fantastic al comunicării unde magia se întâmplă doar cu ddl-uri.

Dacă te-am făcut curios, dă-ne un portofoliu pe

Humanity redesigned – concurs design

Designer, ilustrator sau pur și simplu pasionat de grafică?

Humanity redesigned este provocarea pe care Crama Liliac o lansează în luna octombrie pentru toți creativii, în cadrul competiției anuale young.LILIAC.

Păstrăm tradiția: te invităm să îți pui imaginația la încercare și să creezi eticheta young.LILIAC pentru recolta anului 2020. Înscrie-te în perioada 10 Octombrie – 11 Noiembrie 2020 cu o singură propunere grafică, care să se regăsească în 3 variante de culori (albastru, portocaliu, mov).

Top prize: 1500 Euro

Persoanele interesate se pot înscrie aici

Operator Filmare și Editare Video

Căutăm o persoană cu experiență în utilizarea camerei de filmat și în realizarea filmelor de produs în echipa Mobexpert Online, București (Studioul Foto din cadrul Mobexpert Pipera).

Dacă ești o persoană:

  • Respectuoasă și onestă;
  • Perseverentă și integră;
  • Entuziastă, dornică de a face carieră, cu atitudine pozitivă, inițiativă și spirit de echipă;
  • Cu experiență în utilizarea camerei de filmat;
  • Cu experiență în realizarea filmelor de produs;
  • Cu capacitate de organizare și planificare a activităților curente;
  • Cu experiență pe un post similar (avantaj);

Te așteptăm în echipa noastră pentru a-ți oferi:

  • Pachet salarial competitiv bazat pe rezultatele tale;
  • Cursuri de dezvoltare profesională și personală;
  • Acces la toată aparatura necesară (cameră, lumini etc.) și la programe de editare specifice (Adobe Premiere Pro).
  • Posibilitatea de a lucra cu o echipă de oameni performanți, deschiși și pasionați de meseria pe care și-au ales-o și de a crește alături de ei;

Mai departe obiectivele tale vor fi:

  • Filmarea produselor Mobexpert pentru a scoate în evidență funcționalitățile acestora;
  • Editarea clipurilor video realizate în vederea folosirii lor la produs, în site;

Dacă te potrivești cu descrierea de mai sus, așteptăm CV-ul tău alături de un link cu portofoliul de lucrări (video filmate și editate).

Persoanele interesate sunt rugate sa aplice aici

Graphic Designer

vidaXL is seeking a design wizard who can create compelling visuals for our online marketing campaigns, but also for print.

As a graphic designer, you will be part of the Design team, working closely with the other Designers, Campaign marketers and Marketing team, reporting to the Design Lead. You are an expert at combining image with text, and strive to deliver aesthetic designs on time, every time. You have strong visual sense, a passion for branding, illustration, typography, and a desire to craft beautiful, responsive and easy to understand graphic designs that inspire our customers. You can transmit the feeling of the campaigns into online banners, flyers, icons, mood images, templates, emails and other marketing materials. You are up for the challenge to learn new things, and to keep your design assets organized. You have an interest in e-commerce and keep up with the latest trends within your digital craft, always looking to try out new techniques.

What you will do

  • Provide images and banners for our marketing campaigns (webshop banners, newsletters, affiliate, Facebook, print, vectors, etc) and general branding (LinkedIn, cards, flyers);
  • Work closely with our Campaign marketer to create brand coherent marketing campaigns;
  • Be innovative, creative and have a keen eye for detail and esthetics;
  • Keep up with the latest trends within your digital craft, and you’re always looking to try out new techniques;
  • Effectively communicate design concepts to others, be consistent in style and deliver on time;
  • Understand customer needs, motivations and online behaviors and translate them into actionable deliverables.

Must haves

  • Bachelor’s degree in Graphic design, Multimedia design or/and 1-2 years’ experience in a comparable field, and an online portfolio to show for it;
  • Excellent working knowledge of Adobe CC: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign. Knowledge in more of the Adobe CC software is a plus (such as Flash or After effects);
  • Accurate and details oriented, while still being open-minded and not losing sight of the bigger picture;
  • Able to take on ad-hoc tasks in a fast paced, cross-functional environment, strong communication skills and time-management skills;
  • Ability to quickly learn and work with the new systems and software;
  • Experience working with a style guide, proficiency with Microsoft Office, knowledge with Atlassian tools are a plus (JIRA, Confluence);
  • Fluency and working proficiency in English is a must (knowledge of other languages is beneficial).

vidaXL as employer

Are you looking for a dynamic international company that values your curiosity, passion and desire to learn? Would you like to work in a team with colleagues who think big and are eager to take on fresh challenges? Take the opportunity to meet and work within a team of professionals with diverse cultural backgrounds who also have a few things in common: ambition, fun and excellent skills.

Want to join us?

We are looking forward to receiving your online application Please don’t hesitate to contact our recruiter Bianca Comsa (+40 786 883 375) for more information.

vidaXL Center SRL | RAMS Business Center | Dudesti-Pantelimon 42 | Sector 3 – Bucharest | Romania

Graphic Designer

Job-ul este disponibil atat full-time, part-time, project based cat si internship.


· Cunoștințe avansate pentru unul dintre programele PhotoShop, Corel Draw, InDesign, Illustrator;

· Experiență relevantă în domeniu (minim 2 ani);

· Realizarea concept si creatie de layout-uri website;

· Propunere și realizare creați pentru campaniile online: social media, newsletter, bannere, pop-up;

· Pregătirea și supervizarea producției de materiale publicitare: cataloage, broșuri, flyere, afișe, mape de prezentare etc.;

· Prelucrare text și imagini grafice, editare imagini și machetare;

· Pregătire pentru tipar a machetelor;

· Participarea activa in proiecte cu idei, solutii si propuneri.


· Salariu de baza atractiv;

· Program de lucru lejer;

· Asiguram transportul si masa de pranz;

· Mediu de lucru relaxant, locatie ultra centrala;

· Proiecte mari interne si internationale;

· Echipa tanara, proactiva;

· Bonusuri pe proiect.

Descrierea companiei

De ce Happy Advertising? Pentru ca suntem simpatici, pentru ca ne place sa lucram impreuna, pentru ca te vrem in echipa noastra si pentru ca suntem foarte buni in ceea ce facem. Odata ce vei fi selectat, vei fi implicat activ in proiectele noastre si vei putea sa te remarci inca din prima zi pentru ca suntem primii interesati atat de dezvoltarea ta profesionala cat si de cea personala. De 8 ani dezvoltam un mediu propice pentru afacerile clientilor nostri! Proiectele noastre au facut inconjurul lumii, din Norvegia, Danemarca, Franta, Statele Unite si pana in Australia. Totul pentru ca ei să beneficieze de transformarea ideii lor de business în realitate.

Daca esti interesat, te rugam sa ne trimiti candidatura ta si motivarea alegerii acestui post in maxim 10 randuri pe adresa de e-mail Prezentarea unui portofoliu constituie un avantaj.