Call for Papers: CINETic Review 2(1).2020 Adaptive Storytelling

Adaptive Storytelling

Story lies at the basis of human experience of life. We see stories in a leaf floating, in a cup of tea, a natural disaster or in a moving dot on a screen. We tell stories to communicate with each other, to make sense of the world we live in, to entertain ourselves and our fellows.

Story bears a conflict between fixed form and fluidity. 

Actors adapt to their audiences, especially in comedy performances. Commedia dell’Arte involved a continuous dialogue between improvisation and pre-written texts. Forms of improvisation theatre use low but efficient techniques to build adaptive storytelling.

While a story can be fixed in a script, stories time travel and are re-told. The printing press fixed the novels in books as a culmination of storytelling. Captured movement fixed stories on celluloid and made actors into stars. Later, on in the digital environment, what was fixed became fluid again. The end can become the beginning, the dead can resurrect on screen and entertain us once again with vidding, produsage or  datamoshing becoming a widespread practice in online video, content audiences interacting with ready made content in shaping new stories. 

With the advent of stronger and stronger computing power, a new ideal is emerging: interactive storytelling.

Story is strongly linked to the technology and the medium through which it is told. Besides delivering targeted commercials, nowadays AI can simulate speech and draft scripts. Games use AI in emulating non-human players for bringing action and realism to digital worlds. Will AI overcome the need for a good story for structure? Will we be living the dream of a digital storytelling machine?

CINETic Review 2(1).2020 focusses on technologies and techniques used for creating live or recorded adaptive stories. We look forward to papers publishing original research results or case studies from fields of performance, film, gaming, interactive art, social platforms, and interdisciplinary art-science-technology approaches on interactive storytelling practices.

All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed. Accepted articles will be published in the CINETic Review

The previous issue of our open-sourced journal can be read here: CINETic Review 1(1).2019


  • Title, Author(s) and Affiliations
  • Abstract: 400 words
  • Deadline: 10 February 2021
  • Abstracts will be sent at


TITLE: maximum 8 words.

ABSTRACT: 150-200 words.


ARTICLE LENGTH: minimum 2500 words, maximum 5000 words.




  • Introduction (minimum: State of the subject, Objective, Hypothesis)
  • Methods | Methodology
  • Results | Findings | Originality
  • Discussion | Relevance
  • References

ILLUSTRATIONS: maximum 3 (photographs, drawings, diagrams, charts), captioned in Harvard style, included in the text and sent separately as .jpg files.

BIOGRAPHY: maximum 250 words, plus a 3x4cm portrait picture (to be sent separately as .jpg file).

Authors are invited to present selected papers at the online conference on Games  Education and Digital Tools between 6-9 November 2020 organized by the CINETic center of the National University of Theatre and Film Bucharest.

All contributions and correspondence should be sent to: