a Dance Mag – Call for Contributors. Issue 5: Flow
This issue of a Dance Mag is an invitation to explore states of Flow. How often do we find ourselves in a state of „Flow” when we dance? What obstacles hinder our access to this state? Do states of „Flow” experienced in dance extend to other areas and aspects of life? How does the regular experience of „Flow” impact our personalities, routines, relationships with others, and overall outlook on life?
Note: The fact that the Structure and the Flow themes are published simultaneously does not suggest an opposition. They can be complementary and interconnected.
Submissions Material
- Please send an Expression of Interest with a synopsis of your story to editorial@adancemag.com with the subject line: Submission to “Flow” by December 25, 2023.
- A full draft of your story will be expected by January 25, 2024.
- Along with a 30 to 40 words biography line.
- If available, please include two to three accompanying images that you hold the rights to, in any resolution.
- A Dance Mag welcomes short and long (600 to 4000 words) of creative nonfiction relevant to the theme, this may include research, personal, ekphrastic or lyrical essays, feature articles, reportage, experiential reviews, conversations, interviews, and travel writings.
- A Dance Mag privileges storytelling and experiential writing.
- The language of the publication is English (American style).
- A Dance Mag publishes original work. However, it may republish writings originally published in a language other than English.
- A Dance Mag retains exclusive publication rights for six months following the issue release. If republished elsewhere we appreciate mentioning that the piece was originally published in a Dance Mag.
- Submissions are free of charge, and given the independent nature of the magazine, contributions cannot be compensated. All sales revenue goes to the production of the next issue of the magazine. Selected contributors will receive a copy of the magazine upon publication.
- Selected submissions will receive notification within 45 days. The editorial board operates on a volunteer basis, so we apologize for not being able to answer all emails.
- Selected submissions may undergo a lengthy editing process that requires contributors’ engagement and timely responses.
- This call is not open for artwork and photography.
More information here