Call for Contributions – „Performance and the Environment” International Conference

Performance and the Environment is an international conference jointly hosted by LASALLE College of the
Arts, University of the Arts Singapore, The National University of Theatre and Film I.L Caragiale (Romania), and The University of the Philippines Diliman.

Conference Theme:

The performing arts have long served as a platform to respond to, reflect on, and transform our relationship with the environment. This conference seeks contributions that delve into how dance, theatre, music, and interdisciplinary performances can illuminate ecological concerns and promote environmental awareness. For instance, what role do site-specific performances in natural spaces play in raising consciousness about climate change? How can dance movements inspired by the flow and cycle of water reshape our perceptions of sustainability? Can storytelling and artistic interventions in public spaces engage communities in dialogues around water conservation or urban pollution? We invite scholars and practitioners to share their research and creative projects that critically and creatively explore the dynamic intersection of performance and environmental stewardship. Furthermore, we seek to broaden the traditional understanding of „environment” to encompass a wide range of interpretations, including but not limited to:

  • Sustainability and Environmental Issues: The impact of climate change, pollution, and resource depletion on performance practices; eco-friendly initiatives in the performing arts.
  • Performance Sites and Site-Specific Considerations: The role of physical spaces in shaping performance; site-specific works and their relationship to the environment.
  • Placemaking and Artistic Citizenship: The ability of performance to create and transform public spaces; the role of artists in fostering environmental awareness and action.
  • Community and the Environment: The intersection of performance and community; the impact of social and cultural factors on environmental practices.
  • Online and Digital Environments: The influence of digital technologies on performance; virtual and hybrid environments.
  • Environment as Upbringing: The impact of nature and nurture on artistic development; the role of environmental factors in shaping performance practices.


  • Eco-Performance and Sustainability: Papers exploring sustainable practices in performance, including set design, costume, and lighting.
  • Performance and Place: Submissions that examine the relationship between performance and specific locations, such as urban spaces, natural environments, or historical sites.
  • Community Engagement and Environmental Action: Papers addressing the role of performance in fostering community engagement and environmental activism.
  • Digital Performance and the Environment: Submissions that explore the intersection of digital technologies and environmental issues, including virtual performances, online communities, and digital archives.
  • Other Interpretations of the Theme: We welcome proposals that explore other relevant aspects of the relationship between performance and “environment”.

The conference will also feature a number of invited keynote speakers who will engage with and elaborate on
the conference themes.

Submission Guidelines

  • Paper Format: 20-minute presentations within themed sessions.
  • Other Formats: Lecture-recitals, themed curated panels, masterclasses, and workshops are also welcome.
  • Language: Please note that all presentations and activities will be conducted in English.
  • Submissions: Each submission should include a title, a 200-250 word abstract, and a 50-100 word bio including institutional affiliation.
  • Modes of Presentation: Performance and the Environment is a hybrid conference. Participants and
  • presenters will have the option to present in person at any of the three partner institutions (Singapore, Manila, or Bucharest) or virtually via Zoom.
  • Deadline: All submissions must be received by 14 January 2025 using this form.

Publication Opportunity: Selected papers may be considered for inclusion in an upcoming publication. More details to be provided at a later date.

Review Process:

All submissions will be subject to blind review by the Programme Committee. Notice of acceptance will be

communicated in February 2025.

Please submit your proposals using



General enquiries:
James Félix (Singapore):
Jonas Gabriel M. Garcia (Philippines):

Elena Belciu (Romania):


We look forward to receiving your proposals and engaging in thought-provoking discussions about the complex relationship between performance and the environment.