< The extended art student >

ELIA is excited to announce that the 10th ELIA Academy will be held from 19 – 21 May 2021 in Brussels, Belgium.

The Steering Group of the ELIA Academy 2021 invites colleagues from ELIA member institutions from all artistic disciplines to contribute to the programme by submitting their proposals to this call. 


This is a critical moment to think about the purpose of creative education and the wider contribution our students can make to a progressive agenda for change within and beyond the creative industries.  The ELIA Academy 2021 explores the idea of transferable creative intelligence and the concept of the ‘extended artist’.  The COVID-19 pandemic is having a massive impact on every aspect of arts education – online and in the studio. Our students are studying amid great uncertainty and challenge. 

What are we looking for? Gathering specialists in higher arts education from all over the world, the ELIA Academy showcases presenters who are excellent teachers. ELIA believes in the illuminating capacity of arts education, and the idea that the form of a presentation can be as inspiring as its content. Therefore, being a platform for educational innovation, the ELIA Academy refrains from giving overly specific guidelines. A wide variety of formats are welcome, such as; creative digital approaches, paper presentations, performance lectures, workshops, roundtables etc. that engage the audience and encourage discussions on teaching and learning in the arts. Seeing the ELIA Academy more as a Bootcamp than an actual conference, traditional academic papers are less likely to be selected for the programme.

How to apply? Rather than sending a written proposal, the ELIA Academy challenges applicants to pitch the idea for their contribution in a short 2-minute video. This video will be used by the panel to select the contributions for the ELIA Academy. Applicants should be aware that this video should be fit for posting on the Academy website and will be shown as an introduction at the beginning of their session.

All submissions will be peer-reviewed by an international panel of experts, and the selection will reflect a balanced division of regions, countries and disciplines. The international peer-reviewers panel will make the first selection, which is presented to the Steering Group of the 10th ELIA Academy for final selection. The selection will take place in January 2021; applicants will be informed about the results by beginning of February 2021 at the latest. Successful applicants will be offered a reduced participation fee.  For further information, please visit the ELIA Academy website or contact ELIA Conference Manager, Janja Ferenc at janja.ferenc@elia-artschools.org.

Read the full Call for Contributions here