Festival du Film des Diablerets

Deadline: 15th April 2021

Participate to the contest, productions whose the action or story take place in the mountains. Should be also productions illustrating an alpine region, the life, the identity, the traditions of all those living in the mountains. Fictions are not considered.The productions must be in conformity with one of the following categories: (*Subject to modifications) I. Documentaries “extreme sports”, in all their forms II. Documentaries „mountain” III. Documentaries „nature, environment” IV. Documentaries «exploration, adventure» V. Documentaries «culture of the world»

The Festival is open to all filmmakers, distributors or producers:professional, free-lance or amateurs.All foreign films presented should be preferably be provided with French subtitles or should be accompanied by a copy of the script. The written version of the dialogues should be sent preferably by e-mail (info@fifad.ch)with timing of the dialogue, preferably in French or else in English. All translations which have been made by the Festival organization committee shall remain the property of the Festival.

All entry forms must be accompanied by : -internet video link of the movie-complete synopsis (5 -10 lines) -5 representative photographs of the film on digital support (high quality), whose publication will be considered as authorized and free of charge-the curriculum vitae (CV) of the filmmaker. These documents shall remain the property of the Festival. All entry forms must be mailed to the address at www.fifad.ch. Any participant can register a maximum of 2films which will not have to be previous to 3 years. If your movie is selected, the required formats are PRORES 422 LT or ideally PRORES 444 HD.

The following prizes can be awarded by the Jury:

1. The GRAND PRIX DU FESTIVALDES DIABLERETS for the production having received the unanimous votes of the Jury. (award Chf. 5’000.-) 2. 5 DIABLES D’OR (award between Chf. 2’500 and 1’000.-) a) for the best “extreme sports”documentary b) for the best “mountain”documentary c) for the best “environment, nature”documentary d) for the best “exploration/adventure” documentary e) for the best “culture of the world” documentary 3. The SPECIAL PRIZE of the Jury to single out a video or film production the making, style and conception of which expresses a real originality or revival(award Cf. 5’000.-).

More details can be found here.