Tanzplattform Bern – International Dance Festival and Competition for Choreographers

To participate in Tanzplattform Bern 2025, the following documents and requirements must be met:

  1. CV: A one-page CV in PDF format, including a photo and complete contact details.
  2. Video of the Dance Piece: A full-length video of the submitted dance piece, meeting the following criteria:
    • Length: minimum 15 minutes, maximum 30 minutes
    • Cast: 2 to 6 performers
    • The premiere of the submitted piece must not have been before 2021.
  3. Availability: You must be available to perform the submitted piece during Tanzplattform Bern 2025, which will take place from June 19 to June 21, 2025.

The selected choreographers will receive a performance fee, travel costs, and accommodation.
Please submit your application with all the above-mentioned materials by January 11, 2025, via the following link: https://lanced.app/company/bern-ballett/.

 Terms & Conditions