Call for papers – International Conference on Creativity in Dance
The research on dance from a theoretical perspective began in the early 20th century. And the first PhD thesis in choreography is published in the world only at the end of the same century, namely in 1990. Even the study programmes at the higher education level were long based solely on practical disciplines. As a result, the existence of scientific manifestations in choreography has been recorded only occasionally. In this context, UNATC “I.L. Caragiale” is organizing the first academic event in Romania dedicated to choreographic research, entitled: International Conference on Creativity in Dance, with the aim of supporting the development of critical and theoretical studies in dance from as complex a perspective as possible. The conference proceedings are conducted along three directions, represented by the panels: therapy, education, and aesthetics, which once again demonstrate the diversity of approaches that dance can inspire.
The duration of a lecture is 10 minutes, followed by 5 minutes for questions. The allocated time cannot be exceeded!
The lectures are followed by a debate (round table), led by the Guest Speaker, which lasts for 1 hour.
Key dates
Call for papers: 15 November, 2024
Final abstract submission deadline: 28 February, 2025
Notification of abstract acceptance: within two weeks from submission
Full conference paper submission: 18 April, 2025
Peer-review of full papers: 19 April – 9 May 2025
Accepted full papers will be published after the conference as a conference proceedings volume.
Scientific committee
Abstract submissions
Title, Author(s) and Affiliation(s)
Abstract: 400 words
Biography: maximum 250 words, plus a portrait picture (to be sent separately as .jpg file).
Abstracts will be sent at
General guidelines for submitting full papers
Abstract: 150-200 words.
Keywords: 3-6.
Article length: minimum 2500 words.
Language: English.
Referencing style: APA (7th edition)
Illustrations: maximum 3 (photographs, drawings, diagrams, charts), included in the text and sent separately as .jpg files.
Biography: maximum 250 words, plus a portrait picture (to be sent separately as .jpg file).
All contributions and correspondence should be sent to:
Registration is free of charge.