Call for Papers Representations of the Danube in Literature and the Arts

The Annual Conference of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures

University of Bucharest, Romania 25-26 November 2022

From the Black Forest to the Black Sea, the Danube crosses ten countries and four capital cities, forming a site of cultural memory, both fluid because of the natural features of the river and static because of the lands it connects. From epoch to epoch, the Danube has sparked the imagination of many writers and artists that left us a rich artistic heritage, whose disparate locations invite us to travel and explore.

The river Danube is an essential element in defining and shaping the geographical, environmental, historical and political landscape of Central and Eastern Europe. Therefore, the study of the cultural phenomena of the Danube region is meant to increase our awareness of belonging to a diverse common tradition and to get inspiration from the natural relationships the river represents.

Future participants are invited to present papers that explore the artistic cultures of the Danube in verbal, visual and aural forms – such as prose, poetry, drama, graphic novels, comics, documentaries, feature films, photography, painting, sculpture, installation art, music etc. – examining the signifying systems they use, the imagery on which they draw, their audiences, their social and historical contexts, and the further discourses they bring about.

Possible topics associated with the Danube may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • literary history and cultural memory
  • myths and legends, fantasy and science fiction
  • translation and intercultural history
  • film and dramatic adaptations
  • rhythms, meter and prosody in poetry and music
  • linguistic diversity and cultural hybridity
  • popular culture
  • relationship between genre and place
  • social dimensions such as class, ethnicity, race, gender, religion, community
  • political regimes and narratives of resistance or dislocation
  • national, transnational, cosmopolitan and multicultural identities
  • wars, conflicts and disputes
  • individual and collective trauma
  • urban, rural and natural landscapes
  • family, kinship and domestic spaces
  • posthuman representations
  • boundaries, borders and mental space
  • flora and fauna
  • natural disasters and ecocriticism
  • ecological intervention and water conservation
  • travel writing and mobility up and down the river
  • migrants, exiles, refugees, asylum seekers
  • festivals, customs and traditions
  • shipwrecks, death and suicide
  • childhood, maturity and old age
  • old and new technologies
  • industrial and commercial history

Authors are invited to send a 250-word abstract, 5 keywords, a short bibliography and a 100-word bio to the panel organizer, Monica Manolachi,, by 1 November 2022.

Participation fee: 100 RON (teaching staff) / 50 RON (students). Details about the payment will be sent at a later date to those who send their contributions. 

A selection of articles based on the presentations will be published in a themed volume.



*****. Poeți sârbi. Trad. Petru Cârdu. Libertatea, 1998.

Albahari, David. Learning Cyrillic. Trans. Ellen Elias-Bursac. Dalkey Archive Press, 2014.

Andersen, Hans Kristian. A Poet’s Bazaar: A Journey to Greece, Turkey and Up the Danube. Michael Kesend Pub, 1990.

Andrić, Ivo. E un pod pe Drina. Trans. Gellu Naum, Ioana G. Seber. Polirom, 2018.

––. The Bridge on the Drina. Trans. Lovett F. Edwards. Phoenix, University of Chicago Press, 1977

––. The Slave Girl and Other Stories. Trans. Radmila Gorup. Central European University Press, 2009.

––. The Days of the Consuls. Trans. Celia Hawkesworth. Dereta, 2008.

Bajac, Vladislav. Hamam Balkania. Trans. Randall A. Major. Geopoetica Publishing, 2009.

Bart, Jean. Cartea Dunărei. Biblioteca Ligei Navale, 1933.

Basara, Svetislav. Fata Morgana. Trans. Randall A. Major. Dalkey Archive Press, 2015.

––. The Cyclists Conspiracy. Trans. Randall A. Major. 2012 (1987).

Blackwood, Algernon. Ancient Sorceries and Other Strange Tales. Penguin Books, 2002.

Dvoryanova, Emiliya. Concerto for Sentence. Trans. Elitza Kotzeva. Dalkey Archive Press, 2015.

Esterhzy, Peter. The Glance of Countess Hahn-Hahn (Down the Danube). Trans. Richard Aczel. Northwestern University Press, 1999.

Horia, Vintilă. Jurnalul unui țăran de la Dunăre. Vremea, 2016.

Hölderlin, Friedrich. Poems by Friedrich Hölderin. Trans. James Mitchell. Ithuriel’s Spear, 2004.

––. Selected Poems. Trans. David Constantine. Bloodaxe Books, 1996.

––. Hyperion and Selected Poems. Trans. Eric L. Santer. Continuum, 1990.

Kassabova, Kapka. Border: a journey to the edge of Europe. Graywolf, 2017.

Kiš, Danilo. The Attic. Trans. John K. Cox. Dalkey Archive Press, 2012.

––. The Lute and the Scars. Trans. John K. Cox. Dalkey Archive Press, 2012.

––. Psalm 44. Trans. Aleksandar Hemon. Dalkey Archive Press, 2012.

––. Enciclopedia morților. Trans. Mariana Ștefănescu. Polirom, 2008.

––. Suferințe timpurii. Trans. Mariana Ștefănescu. Polirom, 2008.

––. Garden, Ashes. Trans. Aleksandar Hemon. Dalkey Archive Press, 2003.

––. Criptă pentru Boris Davidovici.  Editura de Vest, 1992.

Lazarević, Jeremija. Vânătorul neobosit. Trad. Slavomir Gvozdenovicó, Aleksandar Stoicovici. Waldpress, 2015.

Leigh Fermor, Patrick. Between the Woods and the Water. On Foot to Constantinople: the Middle Danube to the Iron Gates. New York Review Books, 2005.

––. A Time of Gifts. 1977.

Magris, Claudio. Danube, a Sentimental Journey from the Source to the Black Sea. Trans. Patrick Creagh. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1989 (1986).

Muncian, Ivo. Viața ca un poem sârbesc. Libertatea, 2016.

Pavicó, Milorad. Unicat. Trad. Mariana Ștefănescu. Pandora Publishing, 2015.

––. Mantia de stele. Trad. Mariana Ștefănescu. Humanitas Fiction, 2008.

Pekić, Borislav. The Houses of Belgrade. Trans. Bernard Johnson. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 1978.

––. The Time of Miracles. Trans. Lovett F. Edwards. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 1976.

Petković, Nikola. How to Tie Your Shoes. Dalkey Archive Press, 2017.

Popa, Vasko. Homage to the Lame Wolf: Selected Poems. Trans. Charles Simic. Oberlin College Press, 1987.

Puslojić, Adam. Cerul, în direct. Tracus Arte, 2019.

––. Inscripții abrupte. Editura Școala Ardeleană, 2016.

––. Adaos. Cogito, 1999.

Raichici, Liubița. O sută și una de poezii. Trad. Cornel Ungureanu. Editura Academiei Române, 2018.

Rudan, Vedrana. Mothers and Daughters. Trans. Will Firth. Dalkey Archive Press, 2018.

––. Love at Last Sight. Trans. Ellen Elias-Bursac. Dalkey Archive Press, 2017.

Rusev, Bogdan. Come to Me. Dalkey Archive Press, 2019.

Stankov, Ivan. Amintiri despre apă. Trad. Mariana Mangiulea Jatop. Humanitas, 2018.

Stoicovici, Aleksandar. Malul celălalt: antologie de poezie sârbă, sec. XX-XXI. Trad. Liubinca Perinaț Stancov, Slavomir Gvozdenovici, Aleksandar Stoicovici. Herg Benet Publishers, 2012.

Strand, Mark, Eavan Boland. The Making of a Poem: a Norton anthology of Poetic Form.  W. W. Norton, 2001.

Terzić, Nedeljeko. Păpădia din palmă. Trad. Victor Rusu. Editura Ștef, 2018.

Terziyski, Kalin. Is There Anybody to Love You? Trans. David Mossop. Dalkey Archive Press, 2018.

Thorpe, Nick. The Danube: a Journey Upriver from the Black Sea to the Black Forest. Yale University Press, 2013.

Vasiljevicó, Mihajlo. Nu, acesta nu sunt eu. Terra Grifonis, 2018.


Anthony, David W., Jennifer Y. Chi. The Lost World of Old Europe. The Danube Delta, 5000-3500 BC. Princeton University Press, 2010.

Antipa, Grigore. Regiunea inundabilă a Dunării. Institutul de Arte Grafice Carol Göbl, 1910.

Beattie, Andrew. The Danube: A Cultural History. Oxford University Press, 2011.

Becker, Andras. Britain and Danubian Europe in the Era of World War II, 1933-1941. Palgrave Macmillan, 2021.

Beronja, Vad, Stijn Vervaet. Post-Yugoslav Constellations: Archive, Memory and Trauma in Contemporary Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian Literature and Culture. De Gruyter, 2016.

Băluțoiu, Valentin. Istoria românilor din sudul Dunării. Didactică și pedagogică, 2010.

Benea, Ciprian-Beniamin. Dunărea: geopolitică și negociere. Institutul European, 2009.

Boerescu, Dan-Silviu. Secretele înfricoșătoare ale Dunării. Integral, 2018.

Bozovic, Marijeta and Matthew D. Miller. Watersheds: Poetics and Politics of the Danube River. Academic Studies Press, 2016.

Brilly, Mitja (ed). Hydrological Processes of the Danube River Basin: Perspectives from the Danubian Countries. Springer, 2010.

Cristea, Adrian Eugen, Marius Marinescu, Mihai Mitran. Dunărea, aurul României. Hoffman, 2021.

Curta, Florin. The Making of the Slavs: History and Archeology of the Lower Danube Region, c. 500-700. Cambridge University Press, 2004.

Drăghicescu, Mihail. Istoria principalelor puncte pe Dunăre dela gura Tisei până la mare și pe coastele mării dela Varna la Odesa. Imprimeria Națională, 1943.

Fenesan, Cristina. Convertiri la islam în spațiul carpato-dunărean (secolele XV-XIX). Editura militară, 2021.

Hajnal, Henry. The Danube: Its Historical, Political and Economic Importance. Martinus Nijhoff, 1920.

Gheorghiu, Constantin Virgil. Sacrificații Dunării. Sophia, 2020.

Gill, John H. 1809 Thunder on the Danube: Napoleon’s Defeat of the Habsburgs, Vol. III, Frontline Books, 2010.

Gorup, Radmila. After Yugoslavia: The Cultural Spaces of a Vanished Land. Stanford University Press, 2013.

Grubacic, Andrej, Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz. Don’t Mourn, Balkanize! Essays After Yugoslavia. PM Press, 2010.

Horvat, Srećko, Igor Štiks. Welcome to the Desert of Post-Socialis: Radical Politics After Yugoslavia. Verso Books, 2015.

Illyés, Elemér. Ethnic Continuity in the Carpatho-Danubian Area. Hunyadi Öcs. Mk, 1992.

Jones, Gwen. Chicago of the Balkans: Budapest in Hungarian Literature, 1900-1939. Legenda, 2013.

Jones, Michael E. Escape from Globalism: Meditations while Rowing Down the Danube. Fidelity Press, 2012.

Kassabova, Kapka. Border: a journey to the edge of Europe. Graywolf, 2017.

Kiséry, András, Zsolt Komáromy, Zsuzsanna Varga. Worlds of Hungarian Writing: National Literature as Intercultural Exchange. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2016.

Kogălniceanu, Mihail. Chestiunea Dunărei: discursuri rostite în ședințele Camerei Deputaților din 1 și 2 maiu 1882. Tipografia Statului, 1882.

Lampe, John. Yugoslavia as History: Twice There Was a Country. Cambridge University Press, 2000.

Liska, Igor (ed). The Danube River Basin. Springer, 2015.

Mócsy, András. Pannonia and Upper Moesia: A History of the Middle Danube Provinces of the Roman Empire. Routledge, 2014.

Musteață, Sergiu. Nomads and Natives Beyond the Danube and the Black Sea: 700-900 CE. Amsterdam University Press, 2018.

Paliga, Sorin, Eugen S. Teodor. Ligvistica și arheologia slavilor timpurii: o altă vedere de la Dunărea de Jos. Cetatea de Scaun, 2009.

Porter, Darwin, Danforth Prince. Frommer’s Vienna & the Danube Valley, 5th edition. Wiley Publishing, 2005.

Porumbaru, Emanoil. Chestiunea dunăreană la Conferința de la Londra. Institutul European, 2016.

Rewakowicz, Maria G. Literature, Exile, Alterity. The New York Group of Ukrainian Poets. Academic Studies Press, 2014.

Romanets, Maryna. Ukrainian Erotomaniac Fictions: First Postindependence Wave. Routledge, 2019.

Schmitz, Michael. Roman Conquests: The Danube Frontier. Pen and Sword Military, 2019.

Számvéber, Norbert, Frederick P. Steinhardt. Days of Battle: Armoured Operations North of the River Danube, Hungary 1944–45. Helion, 2013.

Sked, Alan. The Decline and Fall of the Habsburg Empire, 1815-1918. Routledge, 2013.

Stahl, Henri H. Traditional Romanian village communities: the transition from the communal to the capitalist mode of production in the Danube region. Trans. Daniel Chirot, Holley Coulter Chirot. Cambridge University Press, 1980 (1969).

Stokes, Gale. From Stalinism to Pluralism: Eastern Europe Since 1945. Oxford University Press, 1996.

Șarîi, Andrei. Dunărea: fluviul imperiilor. Trad. Maria Sîrghe. Polirom, 2017.

Theodorescu, Răzvan. Un mileniu de artă la Dunărea de Jos (400-1400). Meridiane, 1976.

Thorpe, Nick. The Danube: a Journey Upriver from the Black Sea to the Black Forest. Yale University Press, 2013.

Todorova, Maria. Imagining the Balkans. Oxford University Press, 2009.

––. Balkan Identities: Nation and Memory. NYU Press, 2004.

Tomic, Svetlana. The Hidden History of New Women in Serbian Culture: Toward a New History of Literature. Lexington Books, 2022.

Ward, William A. and Martha Sharp Joukowsky (eds). The Crisis years: the 12th century B.C. from beyond the Danube to the Tigris. Canaan, 1992.

Wingeate Pike, David. Spaniards in the Holocaust: Mauthausen, the horror on the Danube. Routledge, 2000.


Frozen Time, Liquid Memories: 1942-2012. Dragan Kujundžić, 2013.

Film clips: Cinema Komunisto. Mila Turajlić, 2012.

Oxygen. Adina Pintilie, 2010.

Notre Musique. Jean-Luc Godard, 2004.

The Ister. David Barison and Daniel Ross, 2004.

Donau, Dunaj, Duna, Dunav, Dunarea. Goran Rebić, 2003.

Northern Skirts (Nordrand). Barbara Albert, 1999.

Cabaret Balkan (Буре барута / Bure Baruta). Goran Paskaljević, 1998.

The Danube Exodus. Peter Forgács, 1998.

Underground  (Подземље / Podzemlje). Emir Kusturica, 1995.

The Explosion (Explozia). Mircea Drăgan, 1973.

Cold Days (Hideg napok). András Kovacs, 1966.

The Waves of the Danube (Valurile Dunării). Liviu Ciulei, 1959.

La Ronde. Max Ophuls, 1950.

The Third Man. Carol Reed, 1949.