Open call

WASP STUDIOS in co-production with 4Culture Association launches a call for projects and art concepts within Visualizing the Sound Program.

„Focusing on innovation, this project tends to cover a segment of contemporary art rarely frequented in Romania, trying to offer artists the creative impulse that can integrate the idea of sound art with the ability to produce, research and explore new technologies in terms of sound. The project brings together visual artists, composers and sound artists, and thus kicking off an innovative interdisciplinary platform on the local art scene.“ Olivia Nitis and Ciprian Ciulea (curators).

Dedicated to young artists or groups of artists passionate and interested in sound art, the program endorses proposals for the trans and interdisciplinary sound installations, reflecting the curatorial concept. Six selected proposals will be made and exposed at WASP – Working Art Space and Production in Bucharest. A part of them will also be presented at the Contemporary Photography Centre in Iasi.

The selected installations will be perfected and presented at WASP, each one being exhibited for two months in the period April – September 2016.

The applicants’ projects should prove knowledge in the used technology, should be conceptually and materially plausible, respecting the budget limits allocated for each installation.

The sound installations can integrate other media such as photography and video. Each of the selected artists will receive a production fee in the value of 400 EUR for project implementation.

The organizer will provide accommodation, travel and daily fee in the amount of 25 EUR
Application methods:

Send us the application dossier containing:

• Application form, completed and signed available here:

• CV (compulsory) and portfolio (selected projects, 5 pages max, pdf)

• Other relevant attachments for the application, 5 pages max, pdf (detailed project description, photographs, documentations, sketches, etc.).

*Video and sound material can also be sent only as sample – dvd, mp3 or mp4 format, 2 minutes max. Documents can be sent via wetransfer, myairbridge or dropbox.

All the documents should be sent by the 1st of April 2016 at following e-mail address:, with the title Visualizing the Sound Application.


Application period: 15th of March – 1st of April

Deadline: Friday, 1st of April

Application selection: 2nd – 4th of April

Announcement on the artist selection: 5th of April

The dates can be modified up to organizers’ decision.


“Sound installations represent an extremely rare presence in Romanian contemporary art. Nevertheless, this project has an important role in signalizing this rarity determined by the general context of the contemporary local art that tends to encourage only several directions of approach and, not least, restricted by the interest, education and technology-oriented funding. Technology based projects represent a goal with endless perspectives and directions, while the sound segment can cover a spectrum extremely complex of problematization from the relation with the art object, the materiality and immateriality of production to creating an environment or an alternative reality. The way we listen or perceive sounds reflects the way we think. Sound installation constructs an environment, an immersive medium which once entered, the visitor perceives as a sensorial experience that determines another type of relation with the material, with sound spaciousness and surroundings. From Dadaist experiments to Vito Acconci’s performances from 1970-1980 to re-contextualizing pop music in the art of Bjork or Matthew Barney, the Western environment under the influence of the electro-acoustic research centers or technology institutes such as MIT or Ars Electronica from Lintz, it built an important dialogue and art productions platform that has integrated sound in contemporary art practics. Hybrid forms of art, with a remarkable evolution in the past decades, place what we call sound art in a very close relation with acoustics, psychoacoustics, electronics, noise music, sound type environment extended towards performance, sculpture, video art and cinematography, being an integrating part of the current artistic explorations. In the world where progressive societies have the access to all kinds of gadgets used for creating their own playlist environment, technology influences a sort of culture of isolation where the social medium loses its openness and collective concrete interaction. The common exploration of spatiality and sound appears in contradiction with the personal space. This creative medium undertakes its role of connecting the disparate media, analyzing the ways creation and sound production influence and shape social behavior.

Focusing on innovation, this project tends to cover a segment of contemporary art rarely frequented in Romania, trying to offer artists the creative impulse that can integrate the idea of sound art with the ability to produce, research and explore new technologies in terms of sound. The project brings together visual artists, composers and sound artists, and thus kicking off an innovative interdisciplinary platform on the local art scene. “ Olivia Nitis and Ciprian Ciulea (curators).